How to extract and install the downloaded disk image file

Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, 32 bit

Using Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi OS

The Raspberry Pi Archiver cannot extract large files. The OS username is 'pi' and the password is 'raspberry'. There are two installation procedures below. Use the one that works for you.

Using Windows

Install an archive utility that can unzip large files. Use 7zip or WinZip.
Install a SD card flash utility such as Raspberry Pi Imager or balenaEtcher, which is what I use.
Insert a 32 GB or larger Micro SD card into a Micro SD card reader on your Windows computer. It must be one that can also write.
balenaEtcher can open zip files and should work with this image. Be sure to check the box to verify the Micro SD card after it flashes it.

Booting and setup of the image on your Raspberry Pi

Insert the SD card onto your Raspberry Pi and boot.
Run at the terminal prompt:
# The password will be raspberry until you reboot

# Expand the file system to fit your SD Card
sudo raspi-config
Select Advanced Options/Expand Filesystem
Press enter

Software that is installed on the disk image

You need to put the image on a 32GB or larger Micro SD card.